Trademark Registration

Trademark  Registration in Dubai, UAE

GSPU helps you do your trademark registration. A trademark is among the most valued attributes of any business because it’s the symbol that distinguishes its products or services from that of its competing companies. Also, the trademark makes the clients or buyers recognize the goods or services of the company.

UAE trademark protection is sanctioned via the 1992 Trade Mark Law that was revised in 2002. As per UAE legislation, any company or natural individual can avail of the trademark protection by registering the said sign. As stated by the Trade Mark Law of UAE, a trademark may be a name, word, image, phrase, or any symbol or mixture of characters. Company registration representatives in Dubai provide more information concerning the Trade Mark Act. If you have many things to manage, though, you can always ask for help from GSPU. We help small, medium and large organizations to protect their Intellectual property rights in UAE.

Our IP services include:

      • Trademark Registration in UAE, GCC, Middle East & Worldwide.
      • Trademark Assignment
      • Trademark Merger.
      • Copyright Registration in UAE.
      • Patent and Industrial design registration in GCC.
      • Trademark Recordation in customs.
      • Product Registration.

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